World Triathlon

Tokyo 2020 Olympics Media Guide

Digital magazines from the International Triathlon Union (ITU) and the World Triathlon Series

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ATHLETES' BIOS - MEN ROU FELIX DUCHAMPT Felix Duchampt claimed the New Flag spot for Europe to qualify for Tokyo after switching nationality from France to Romania at the start of 2020. The 31-year-old first hit the blue carpet back in 2008, winning his first European Cup in 2014 and scoring a spot on the World Triathlon Cup podium for the first time in 2017 with silver in Salinas. Duchampt now makes his Olympic debut on a course that could suit his racing style well. Olympic Games - Other Major Games - Key Individual Results 2016 Mediterranean Championships bronze // 2012 U23 Aquathlon World Championships silver Key Mixed Relay Results - WTCS Start / Wins / Podiums 1 / 0 / 0 More info about Felix Age: 31 113 - World Triathlon Media Guide Tokyo 2020

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