World Triathlon

World Triathlon YearBook 2023

Digital magazines from the International Triathlon Union (ITU) and the World Triathlon Series

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The 2023 World Triathlon Championship Series: All On The Line Yet another World Triathlon Championship Series for the ages unfolded in 2023, the men's and women's 8-stop journeys to crowning our World Champions producing all the drama and fireworks and pure adrenaline-powered racing that we have come to expect, but that never ceases to amaze. Starting where 2022 ended in Abu Dhabi back in March, nobody could have predicted what was to come between there and the Championship Finals Pontevedra. There were four first-time WTCS winners, two brand-new champions, a brand-new course and more speed than ever before. You can watch back all the 2023 Series races on 6 contents

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